Friday, June 15, 2012

Achievement: New Organizational Structure Implemented

This is the first of a series of articles that will appear in SandScript, covering a number of our 22 KFSH&RC Strategic Programs designed to take us forward toward our vision of being a world-leading institution of excellence and innovation in healthcare.

Strategic Program 01 Re-engineer HR Processes and Program 04 Organization and HR Implementation Projects have addressed not only a major restructuring of the KFSH&RC organization, but also the development of new HR processes and tools in such areas as job descriptions, job evaluations, required competencies, performance management, compensation, and manpower planning.

The newly implemented organizational structure was originally proposed by Hewitt Associates as part of their consulting assignment. Their draft proposal was reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors and a Task Force, headed by the Chief Administrative Officer, that was formed to oversee the complex task of implementing the new structure.

The key feature of the new structure is the creation of new corporate functions with responsibility for policy and strategy across the entire organization, including the Riyadh and Jeddah campuses and any future hospital sites or stand-alone centers of excellence. This provides a clear delineation between strategic and operational management that is typical of organizations worldwide of the size and scope of KFSH&RC.

The Task Force recommended a prioritized implementation based on the degree and/or ease of the changes involved in each operating area. Those operating areas that will undergo the most change will need to phase in over a longer period of time.

Task Force Progress to Date:

        Reorganizational changes at the corporate level have been discussed with the concerned Executive Directors.

        New positions have been created for Chief Operating Officers in Riyadh and Jeddah, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Administrative Officer.

        Details of certain dual reporting relationships have been identified for both Corporate Officers and Site Managers.

        The CEO has approved the new organizational structures for Information Technology Affairs, Human Resource Services, Supply Chain Management, and Facility Management Group.

        The newly restructured functions will be fully defined, including positions, finalized job descriptions, manpower plan, and KPIs.

        Upskilling plans (competencies) will be developed for each functional area, and vacancies to be recruited for will be identified.

        Additional positions involving “double-hatting” (dual reporting responsibilities) are being identified, clarified and reviewed with the Executive Directors involved and with HR and Organization and Management (O&M), as appropriate, prior to submission for CEO approval.

        The more complex transformations involve functional areas that are to be transferred or merged with others, which will undergo a considerably higher degree of change. These include Quality Management and Clinical Audit, Media Affairs and Public Relations, Patient Relations and Social Services, Internal Audit and Operational Audit, Monitoring and Follow-up, Planning and Monitoring, and Case Management. O&M has been requested to benchmark the above-stated departments and identify the best practices to be submitted to the Task Force for review and action.

        Our consulting service, the Advisory Board, has also been requested to carry out a survey to assist the Task Force in presenting the optimal choices and recommendations to the CEO.

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